For inquiries about intellectual property, please contact Shounan-lab.

We think that all the companies and sole proprietors who are viewing our website have already achieved some achievements in business and are interested in intellectual property such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

If the business continues to expand, various imitators and trademark thieves will surely try to piggyback on your business. Nowadays, taking proper measures against these will lead to the improvement of the brand value of the company. Let Shounan-lab help you with that.

Office Overview

  • Office Name:Shounan-lab
  • Patent Attorney Reg. No. 16006
  • Patent Attorney:Fumimaru Yuguchi

Yuguchi's profile

I was born from Isehara City, Kanagawa Prefecture in 1985. I passed the patent attorney exam in 2007 while attending college and registered as a patent attorney in 2008. I worked for a patent firm and corporate intellectual property department, and became independent in 2010.